4 Key Highlights to Know
● Social Media Engagement: On a zero dollar budget, I repositioned an underperforming corporate
message into a universal brand platform, growing an unengaged LinkedIn audience from 12K followers
to an active community of 54K
● Product Positioning: Working with tech partners, I developed product copy for a Fortune 100 Virtual Card go-to market strategy: Positioning it as a safer, simpler alternative to a physical credit card
● PR Campaign Slogan: As a Copywriter consultant for a Fortune 45 Mortgage Lender, I developed the
tagline, “One mission. 80 million times.” which spearheaded a national PR rollout
● DIB Campaign Concepting: Developed the concept and creative messaging for “Beyond Ability,” a
brand awareness campaign for a Fortune 100 DIB Program (to date, Beyond Ability has been used
multiple years to support this program)